Alchemy in the modern age

Modern alchemy allows each man and woman of today an exploration into the precise mysteries of the old alchemists’ world. It is basically an articulation of humanity’s unconscious processes.

Alchemy in the modern age

Modern alchemy allows each man and woman of today an exploration into the precise mysteries of the old alchemists’ world. It is basically an articulation of humanity’s unconscious processes.

Ars Nova is an of the Human Experience

a new age of consciousness for mankind

Illustration by Telma Lemos as adapted from Jessica Allain

This new consciousness is heralded by the Age of Aquarius, the next zodiacal millenium our earth is moving into. Using Alchemy, dreams, synchronicity, and mystery, this new conciousness can be accessed by all of us today, rather than the exceptionally elite of the Middle Ages.

All that is required of today’s alchemist is an understanding and appreciation for the experiential mysteries of the unconscious. By finding one’s aesthetic It, developing It, honing It, and living one’s aesthetic, today’s alchemist can partake in the grandeur of the Philosopher’s Stone. It is this unique Alchemical gold that the philosopher’s of yore so desperately sought.

Learn About Ars Nova From The Author

Author Robert F. Mannis, PhD, clinical psychologist, sits down with Mark Ford to discuss the philosophy and meaning behind Ars Nova. Carl Jung’s insights into unconscious processes serve as a Rosetta Stone to understanding the Verido and its relevance to everyday living.

Offerings from the Retort

Aestheic expressions of latter day Alchemists.